This homeowner has a geothermal system installed into his Victor NY home. He was having issues with the system and gave True Energy Solutions a call to fix it. We found that the heat pump operation data was showing temperature differentials, pressure drops which was the problems the homeowner was feeling. We found air in the source piping to the heat pumps and ground loop. To fix this, a vertical ground loop needed to be upgraded with isolation flush valves to allow for flushing of the ground loop heat exchanger. We also needed to ensure that the freeze protection was meausred and adjusted properly to prevent further issues in the future. To complete the job we integrated a new auxiliary hydronic heater with the existing distributions system to ensure that the system heats and cools the house to the correct temperature throughout peak seasons.
Heat Pump Going up Into Ceiling
This photo shows the heat pumps that are going up through the ceiling and are going to be directed outside of the home into the ground. The energy in the ground is sustaining the temperature to allow it to warm and cool the home.
Geothermal Heat pumps going into the ground
The heat pumps going into the ground to cool and warm the home.