Many homes in the Rochester area have crawl spaces under their homes. These were done generally because of a high...
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Many homes in the Rochester area have crawl spaces under their homes. These were done generally because of a high...
If you live in a Cape Cod style home, I'm sure you know how cold the upstairs can be in...
All home energy audits are not the same. A comprehensive home energy assessment from True Energy Solutions is one...
Beyond the U-Factor: How does the construction of a window affect it's performance and durability? How do you...
Window salesmen make a lot of claims about payback and window performance. Luckily, the performance numbers are printed right...
How do you know if you're getting the best insulation at the best price? Let's look at different types...
Have you ever heard someone say, "A house needs to breathe?" Is the old adage true? Should you be...
Bath fans are designed to remove humidity from your home -- that's great. But, lots of problems can arise...
Many homes contain Asbestos-like material, but asbestos can come in many forms. Here's how to find it.
Diagnosing comfort problems and home energy issues requires a logical approach, a "whole-building" perspective, and the right tools to scientifically...
When your roof has overhangs, or bump-outs, there can be comfort and efficiency issues. If you picture your house...
Why do houses leak so much air when all the windows are closed? If your house were to be tossed into...
Many basements that appear dry have hidden sources of moisture. Here's what to look for.
Winter is on its way. Are you ready? Make sure your home is winterized with help from True Energy Solutions.
A poorly vented bath fan can cause mold in the attic.
On cold winter days, a ray of sun streaming into your house can be most welcome - a free source...
One of the biggest energy guzzlers in your home (besides, most likely, your thermal envelope, which lets expensive conditioned air...
Winter's coming. It's already heating season. So how do you save money on heating costs? You've got to own your...
It speaks to the marketing savvy of window manufacturers and installers that, when faced with drafty rooms or high energy...